The moment we’ve been waiting for.
Tracking Santa’s progress on the Norad Santa tracker.
It snowed all day – one of the few times we can see Bella clearly.
Not long into unwrapping, we had nearly buried our Playmobil Nativity. I worried that this was symbolic. The kids groaned, “Oh, Mom!”
Herme’s was sporting one of the finest rooster tails that I have seen in a long time. Worthy of Christmas Day!
Uncle Chip and Aunty Janet sent us a fun package containing among other things the original BBC/A&E Jane Austen’s five hour long Pride and Prejudice !!This was the girls’ reaction.
And this was the boys’.
Bella liked her new collar and fluffy bed.
The detritus after the storm.
A little while later in the boys’ room.
And in the girls’.
‘What I did on my vacation.’
Field of Mushrooms
Our Spelt Gingerbread House! Artemis used her Swiss geometry skills to design a house pattern, and we all had fun on decorating it on Christmas Eve. Notice the Christmas tree, snowman, goldfish pond and mushroom patch.
The Marzipan Lady of the House – made by Artemis
The backyard. There is a marzipan baby sleeping in a cradle on the toffee bench. No munching until after Christmas dinner!
In the afternoon Tata and Popop joined us for a festive Christmas dinner of Chinese fondue.
And then it was open season on the house.
Later that evening, we had a Skype visit with our cousins
and with Uncle Chip and Aunty Janet who put on a Christmas puppet show.
…and we responded in kind.
It was a lovely day. Merry Christmas 2010!
This made me so HAPPY!!!!!!! I noticed that Zeus was sitting on MY bed. 😉
I love the Lego & Playmobil creations, AND the Pride & Prejudice reactions (I see the same things here), AND the fabulous spelt house!!! The marzipan items are wonderful. Oh, and the mushrooms! And puppets. And Bella in the SNOW!!!
Love to you ALL!!!!
Hooray for a souri and sock monkey. 🙂 Onkle
Athena said…
Wrapping paper on the nativity! Hurrumph!You made us put on extra paper so you could take a picture!