Christmas Poem – Vers la creche

Here for Christmas Eve is a lovely poem that Apollo learned in school, in French with my translation following.
(I apologize – the accents are missing. It’s not easy to put them on with this computer.  If you know French, please imagine them.)

Vers la creche

De la pauvre creche de bois
Ou dort le petit enfant-Roi
Confus, tremblant, emerveilles
Les bergers se sont approches.

Du miserable berceau gris
Ou l’Enfant eternel sourit,
Ruisselant d’or et fatiques
Les mages se sont approches.

Du petit Jesus au berceau
Si tendre, si calme et si beau
Et qui fait signe au monde entier
Je veux, moi aussi, m’approcher.
                                 – Vio Martin

To the poor wooden manger
Where sleeps the little baby King
Confused, trembling, amazed
The shepherds are coming near.

To the lowly cradle gray
Where the Eternal Baby smiles
Shimmering with gold and weary
The wise men are coming near.

To little Jesus in His cradle
So tender, so calm and so beautiful
And who makes a sign to the entire world
I, too, want to come near.

Merry Christmas. May its peace stay with you all year.

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